6th November 2015

DECC consulting on a proposed amendment

DECC is consulting on a proposed amendment to enable retrofit Carbon Capture and Storage projects to be eligible for a Contract for Difference. Consultation closes 2nd December.

This consultation seeks views on the government’s proposal to amend the Contracts for Difference (Definition of Eligible Generator) Regulations in order to specify that retrofit Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects, involving the connection of an existing power station to a complete CCS system, are eligible for a Contract for Difference (CfD). The proposed change would ensure that existing CCS policy is correctly and expressly reflected in the CfD legislation.


10th November 2015

Review of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas regulations

HSE is consulting on a review of the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas regulations 1987 (DSHAR), Approved Code of Practice (COP 18) and guidance HS(R)27. Consultation closes 23rd December.

HSE’s proposes to replace the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987 (DSHAR) with new shorter and more up to date regulations. The consultation also seeks views on a new shorter Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) to support the regulations. The proposals are intended to retain existing levels of health and safety protection in relation to dangerous substances in harbour areas in Great Britain. The proposed new regulations will be re-named the ‘Dangerous Goods in Harbour Areas Regulations.


10th November 2015

UK’s proposed approach to implement European Directive

HSE is consulting on the UK’s proposed approach to implement European Directive 2013/35/EU on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields). Consultation closes 3rd December.

HSE proposes to transpose into law through the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 only the requirements of the Directive which go beyond, or are more specific than, those covered by existing UK legislation. These Regulations will be supported by guidance that outlines the measures that should be taken to assess exposure to EMFs and manage any of the risks identified.


13th November 2015

Joint re-evaluation of two requests

The European Commission is consulting on the joint re-evaluation of two requests for exemption from the substance restrictions in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive). Consultation closes 8th January 2016.

The requests are related to cadmium quantum dot applications. Request 2013-2 “Cadmium in colour converting II-VI LEDs (< 10 μg Cd per mm2 of light-emitting area) for use in solid state illumination or display systems” (Request for renewal of Exemption 39 of Annex III of Directive 2011/65/EU)” Request 2013-5 “Cadmium in light control materials used for display devices”
