28th April 2016

Derbyshire firms prosecuted for hand arm vibration offences

Two Derbyshire-based manufacturing firms were fined a total of £290,000 and ordered to pay £16,000 costs for safety breaches resulting in cases of carpel tunnel syndrome and hand arm vibration syndrome to their employees. It was reported at Derby Crown Court that the employees were regularly exposed to hand arm vibration through the use of a range of vibratory tools in the assembly and servicing of crushers and screeners.

27th June 2016

Approved Codes of Practice

Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs) are published by HSE. ACOPs describe preferred or recommended methods that can be used (or standards to be met) to comply with regulations and the duties imposed by the Health and Safety at Work Act.

ACOPs have a special status in law. If in a prosecution for a breach of health and safety law it is proved that the relevant provisions of an ACOP were not followed, then the defendant will need to show that they complied with the law in some other way.

There are currently fifty-three ACOPS. Copies of these can be found in the Guidance Section (ACOPS/L Series) on the Simplifi-Solutions website.



5th July 2016

HSE Guidance Documents (HSGs)

HSE Guidance documents

 These documents (HSGs) are published by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, but the HSE suggest that if guidance is followed you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. HSGs can be found in the Guidance section of the Simplifi-Solutions web site.

There are currently one hundred and seven HSGs.  They can be grouped as follows:

Building & construction – 5 Chemicals and process – 4 COSHH -11 Energy and radiation – 7 Hazardous substances – 26 Industry sector guidance -11 Occupational health and hygiene – 10 Other – 6 Safety management – 21 Work environment – 5 Work equipment – 1 Building & construction Chemicals and process COSHH Energy and radiation Hazardous substances Industry sector guidance Occupational health and hygiene Other Safety management Work environment Work equipment HSG33 HSG143 HSG53 HSG95 HSG28 HSG76 HSG60 HSG117 HSG48 HSG38 HSG17 HSG47 HSG166 HSG73 HSG85 HSG39 HSG129 HSG109 HSG123 HSG65 HSG57 HSG144 HSG250 HSG97 HSG107 HSG40 HSG133 HSG170 HSG124 HSG87 HSG90 HSG150 HSG254 HSG167 HSG223 HSG51 HSG172 HSG196 HSG270 HSG112 HSG132 HSG168 HSG173 HSG230 HSG71 HSG177 HSG218 HSG279 HSG133 HSG221 HSG187 HSG236 HSG78 HSG179 HSG232 HSG101 HSG136 HSG201 HSG253 HSG92 HSG209 HSG252 HSG151 HSG210 HSG103 HSG219 HSG260 HSG154 HSG258 HSG113 HSG220 HSG61 HSG159 HSG274 HSG135 HSG240 HSG137 HSG175 HSG262 HSG139 HSG246 HSG180 HSG140 HSG190 HSG158 HSG191 HSG174 HSG217 HSG176 HSG225 HSG178 HSG229 HSG186 HSG238 HSG227 HSG245 HSG235 HSG249 HSG244 HSG256 HSG247 HSG261 HSG248 HSG268 HSG251 HSG263 HSG264 HSG272



5th December 2016

SI 2016/1167

The Plant Health (Forestry) (Amendment) (England and Scotland) Order 2016. Comes into force 1st January 2017. This Order amends the Plant Health (Forestry) Order 2005 (SI 2005/2517) for England and Scotland to implement six EU Decisions. It also revokes the Plant Health (Forestry) (Phytophthora ramorum) (Great Britain) Orders 2004 (SI 2004/3213) and 2007 (SI 2007/3450).