
1st November 2018

SI 2018/1122

The Ship Recycling (Requirements in relation to Hazardous Materials on Ships) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2018. Coming into force 31st December.  These Regulations bring into UK law parts of the EU Regulation on ship recycling (EU 2013/1257) which cover requirements which to the construction of a ship, the ship during its working life and its preparation for recycling.

NB These Regulations do not replace the Ship Recycling Facilities Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/430) and the Ship Recycling Facilities (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2015 (SR 2015/229).

30th October 2018

SI 2018/1109

The Merchant Shipping (Work in Fishing Convention) (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2018. Comes into force on 31st December with the exception of regulation 3 which comes into force on 30th November 2019. These Regulations make consequential amendments to Merchant Shipping Act 1995, SI1972/919; Merchant Shipping (Crew Agreements, Lists of Crew and Discharge of Seamen)(Fishing Vessels) Regulations 1972, SI 1972/1698; Merchant Shipping (Seamen’s Allotments) Regulations 1972, SI 1972/1701; Merchant Shipping (Seamen’s Wages and Accounts) Regulations 1972, SI 1979/97; Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations 1979, SI 1997/2962; Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1997 and SI 2004/1713; Fishing Vessels (Working Time: Sea-fishermen) Regulations 2004.

30th October 2018

SI 2018/1108

The Merchant Shipping (Work in Fishing Convention) (Medical Certification) Regulations 2018.  Comes into force on 30th November. These Regulations cover the requirement for fishermen to possess medical fitness certificates and carry them on board the fishing vessel on which they are working. The also cover the issuing of such certificates and the requirement for fishermen to self-report medical conditions to a doctor.