EU Directive 2017/164
14th March 2017
SI 2017/365
15th March 2017

ECHA consulting on eight substances

The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is consulting on ECHA is seeking comments on harmonised classification and labelling proposals for eight substances. Consultation closes 28th April.  The substances are:

  • Diisooctyl phthalate – plasticiser used to make synthetic rubber, polymer and resins for consumer products. Comments invited on reproductive toxicity.
  • silicon carbide (fibres fulfilling the WHO definition: diameter < 3 µm, length > 5 µm and aspect ratio ≥ 3:1) – used as reinforcement agents for ceramic and metal matrix composites to enhance structural and thermal stability. Comments invited on carcinogenicity.
  • Margosa,– biocidal active substance used as a repellent against ants Comments invited on physical hazards, human health hazards and environmental hazards apart from respiratory sensitisation, aspiration and hazardous to the ozone layer.
  • Branched hexatriacontane used as an additive to improve lubrication and reduce friction in automotive industry. Comments invited on environmental hazards.
  • Ipconazole (ISO) – a plant protection product used as a fungicide for seed treatment of wheat and barley. Comments invited on physical, human health and environmental hazards.
  • L-(+)-lactic acid – biocidal active substance used in cosmetics and hygienic products.. Comments invited on physical hazards, human health hazards and environmental hazards apart from respiratory sensitisation, aspiration and hazardous to the ozone layer.
  • 2-methoxyethyl acrylate – used to manufacture fine chemicals, rubber, plastics and media products. Comments invited on flammable liquids, acute toxicity through oral and inhalation routes, skin corrosion/irritation, serious eye damage/eye irritation, respiratory sensitisation, skin sensitisation, germ cell mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity and specific target organ toxicity-repeated exposure.
  • Imiprothrin – a biocidal active substance used to control insects. Comments invited on human health and environmental hazards apart from skin corrosion/irritation, serious eye damage/eye irritation skin and respiratory sensitisation, aspiration hazard and hazardous to the ozone layer.