WSI 2017/529
6th April 2017
WSI 2017/547
11th April 2017

DEFRA consultation on litter

DEFRA is consulting on increasing fines for littering, graffiti, fly-posting and introducing new fines for throwing litter from vehicles. Consultation closes 18th June

This consultation seeks  views on proposals by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to:

  1. Increase the levels for section 88 fixed penalties in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for littering and other environmental offences and make amendments to the default penalties for littering and related offences, are which are set out in the Environmental Protection Act 1990.;
  2. Change the provision for how councils can use the income from fixed penalties for environmental offences; and
  3. Remove the requirement for the parish council enforcement officers to attend a specified training course.

This consultation also seeks views on introducing new regulations to enable councils to issue fixed penalties (civil fines) to the keeper of a vehicle from which litter is thrown, where the litterer cannot be identified.