20th February 2020

HSE issued report into Chevron Pembroke refinery explosion report

HSE has issued their report into Chevron Pembroke refinery explosion report.  On 2nd June 2011 an explosion on the site’s amine regeneration unit killed four people and seriously injured a fifth.  Following a court decision, of 6th June 2019, Chevron payed a £5.0 Million fine and court costs of £1m as part of a deal it struck with Valero Energy UK, who bought the site after the disaster.  The investigation revealed a longstanding and widespread failure to understand and control risks posed by the flammable atmosphere inside the tank. The explosion and the resulting fatalities were therefore avoidable. The incident was not merely the consequence of errors by individual employees, but because of the failure of safety management systems to ensure a safe place and safe

systems of work. https://www.hse.gov.uk/comah/chevron-pembroke-report-2020.pdf?utm_source=govdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chevron-report&utm_content=ebul-2002

21st February 2020

HSE announce program to protect workers from welding fume

HSE have announced a program of inspections focusing on protection of workers from welding fume.  The inspections follow a safety alert that was issued in February 2019 after new evidence showed exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause cancer and HSE updated guidance to reflect this. https://www.hse.gov.uk/safetybulletins/mild-steel-welding-fume.htm.  Please also see our newsletter of November 2019 for more information on this subject.

12th March 2020

UK Government  publishes updated guidance for employers and businesses on the  novel coronavirus, COVID-19  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19

12th March 2020

Revised guidance on loan working

HSE has published revised guidance on manage the risks of working alone. INDG73 revision 4.  https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg73.pdf The updated guidance contains:

a new section on how to protect lone workers from the risk of work-related violence more information on how managers should keep in touch with lone workers new advice on the impact lone working can have on stress, mental health and wellbeing